Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Working as a Healthcare Assistant

So I have written a post about how I am working as a healthcare assistant at Bristol, but haven't followed this up with anything really on my blog. I have been doing this job properly now for around eight months and am loving it more and more, shift after shift.

The best thing about being a HCA is that you are learning so much about patients that lectures just cannot deliver. The lectures at uni are all about the physiology and scientific aspect of different diseases and conditions. You can learn about congestive heart failure down to the cytokine, but it presents itself differently in every individual.

Working as a HCA, I have met so many patients. Each of them completely unique in their own way - with the way they wanted their care delivered, the way they view their disease and their own prognoses.

I am also learning lots of practical skills. I actually found that I am becoming more confident in the way I speak with patients and help them out. At the beginning, I found myself quite reluctant to touch and get hands-on with my patients, and I think this was down to the fear of hurting or harming the patient. Now, I am much more confident. I can knock on the door loudly before entering and introduce myself with a smile (and not mess up my introductory lines!). I am yet to get to the level of the other HCAs I work with, but I'm hoping that will come with time.

As I now have a long summer ahead of me, I'm working as many bank shifts as possible. Not only am I earning money whilst doing so, but I'm keeping my head in the medical world so I won't get a shock in September when I start my year in Taunton's hospital!